Young boys running on road

Superhero 5K & Kids’ Dash Times


Over 200 people gathered at the Bennington Community Center on Saturday, November 2, to participate in the 7th annual Superhero 5K and Kids’ Dash in support of Teens4Change at United Counseling Service (UCS). Funds raised directly support the peer-led program that gives local teens year-round opportunities to make friends and connections in their community. The first place winner was Jayden Thomas of Bennington, VT, followed by Sebastian Adolphus, and Miles Vernon of Manchester, VT, all representing the 13-19 age group. The top three finishers each won a custom slate cutting board from JK Adams, and the top three finishers in each age group won a bottle of maple syrup from the Sugar Shack.

Thank you to event sponsors: Bennington Banner, Manchester Journal, Heritage Family Credit Union, The Richards Group, Genoa Healthcare, VNA & Hospice, Bennington Cooling & Heating, GVH Studio, MSK Engineers, Netsmart, Delta Dental, rk Miles, SVMC, Turning Point Recovery Center, Coggins Toyota, Hill & Thompson, and Taconic Music. We look forward to welcoming even more community members at next year’s Superhero 5K and Kids’ Dash! To learn more about upcoming events at UCS, please visit

Read the race results here.

View photos from the event here.

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