graphic of two hands grasping each other in front of a heart outline. Graphic is dark blue and background is light green.

UCS seeks respite and contracted community support providers:

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Contractors and family members of United Counseling Service (UCS) who provide care for those with disabilities in their homes are seeking respite and contracted community support providers. Contracted programs allow for caregivers of those with disabilities to get breaks and allow a person with a disability to experience healthy and positive interactions within the community. These programs allow for providing care, supervision, and support for someone with an intellectual disability and/or autism in the caregiver’s home, in respite worker’s home, or in the community. Interested parties can create their own schedules and the program allows for flexibility of hours. Hourly rates are established based on the individual’s level of need.

Respite and Contracted Community Support Providers become employees of the contractor who hires them to deliver agreed supports and service. They are not employees of United Counseling Service.

If you are ready to open your heart and your time to an individual with a disability who needs you, please contact the Atwood Center at UCS at 802-445-7318.

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